داستان آبیدیک

community informatics


1 عمومی:: انفورماتیک جامعه

8.8 COMMUNITY INFORMATICS Community informatics (CI) looks at the interaction of information technology and communities, including the use of information tech- nology to benefit communities.Averweg and Leaning (2011) explore the meanings of "community" and the political aspect of CI. Goodwin (2007) looks at CI's "distinct agenda for change" and the role of the Internet in creating social change. Stillman and Linger (2009) discuss the theoretical basis of CI, seeing an opportunity "to address both social and techno- logical issues in its theoretical framework," which has implications for academic libraries and their expressions of value. Williams, Bishop, Bruce, and Irish (2012) examine CI in library and information sci- ence (LIS) curricula, discussing ways that LIS students can become involved in communities and their information needs.

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